Tag Archives: html

ESP32 Access point (AP) and Station web server with HTML using Arduino IDE

In this tutorial we are making ESP32 as both Station and Access point and web server. We have seen how to connect to WiFi Router and make web server in previous post.

What you will Learn?

  1. Making ESP32 as Access Point
  2. ESP32 as Station
  3. ESP32 as both Station and Access Point at the same time
  4. ESP32 as web server with HTML web page
  5. Using Java Scripts in ESP32
  6. Using CSS in ESP32

A Web server is a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve the files that form Web pages to users, in response to their requests, which are forwarded by their computers’ HTTP clients.

ESP32 Access point web server

Continue reading ESP32 Access point (AP) and Station web server with HTML using Arduino IDE

ESP8266 (NodeMCU) ADC analog value on dial gauge

This is advance tutorial it uses knowledge for JavaScripts, ESP8266, CSS and HTML. In this example we are reading analog value of ADC and display it on HTML web page, which is served by ESP8266 or NodeMCU web server, To get more details on basic HTML page creation in ESP8266 read this.

Continue reading ESP8266 (NodeMCU) ADC analog value on dial gauge

Upload image (PNG, JPEG) to ESP8266 Web Page and Display it

ESP8266 NodeMCU can be used as Web server with html webpage. Many times you may want to add images in web page. This can be achieved with help of SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System) or use of dataURL for small size images. Lets see step by step to upload image in web page.

There are two ways to display image in web page.

Continue reading Upload image (PNG, JPEG) to ESP8266 Web Page and Display it