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Ch. No. | Title | Page No. |
1 | Introduction | 4 |
2 | Hardware Setup ESP8266 | 9 |
3 | Software Setup ESP8266 | 17 |
4 | LED Blink Test | 23 |
5 | Hardware and Software Serial | 31 |
6 | Internal EEPROM | 37 |
7 | ADC in Serial out | 40 |
8 | HTML, CSS Basics | 42 |
9 | Hello world! Web Server | 49 |
10 | Temperature Monitoring Web Server | 60 |
11 | LED Control Web Server | 69 |
12 | IoT Home Automation | 76 |
13 | Color Control Web Server | 82 |
14 | HTTP Client | 87 |
15 | Data logging to cloud server | 93 |
16 | UDP ESP to ESP Communication | 98 |
17 | Accessing ESP8266 over internet | 104 |
18 | Access ESP in VB.net | 107 |
19 | Plotting Graphs using ESP8266 | 114 |
20 | Using Google Gadgets | 120 |
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I recommend it to those who are in the beginning (experts also), like me, and are looking for a text that easily explains the use of the esp8266 module. It is true that some information may be found on the internet, but, in my opinion, having everything at your fingertips in a single text can be an advantage, as well as not excessive cost. Good Book each aspect of ESP8266 covered very well.