We live in an exciting time where more and more everyday items “things” are becoming smart! “Things” have sensors and can communicate to other “things” and can provide control to more “things”. The Internet of Things, IoT, is upon us in a huge way and people are rapidly inventing new gadgets that enhance our lives. The price of microcontrollers with the ability to talk over a network keeps dropping and developers can now tinker and build things inexpensively.
IoT based home automation project is done using low cost ESP8266 ESPino ESP-12 WiFi Module, It uses relays and few simple components, complete code is provided, for more details on software setup go through IoT getting started tutorial. You can control four electrical devices and also you can monitor temperature. ESP-12 is low cost module we are using here.

Components Required
Buy Complete Project or PCB from shop.circuits4you.com
1. ESP-12 WiFi Module
2. LM1117-3.3V
3. Sugar Cube Relay – Qty.4
4. Resistors 10K, 1K,4.7K
5. Capacitor 1000uF, 10uF, 104 (0.1uF)
6. PBT-2 Connectors Qty. 5
7. ULN2003
8. 12V Power Supply
With advancement of Automation technology, life is getting simpler and easier in all aspects. In today’s world Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. With the rapid increase in the number of users of internet over the past decade has made Internet a part and parcel of life, and IoT is the latest and emerging internet technology. Internet of things is a growing network of everyday object-from industrial machine to consumer goods that can share information and complete tasks while you are busy with other activities. Wireless Home Automation system(WHAS) using IoT is a system that uses computers or mobile devices to control basic home functions and features automatically through internet from anywhere around the world, an automated home is sometimes called a smart home. It is meant to save the electric power and human energy. The home automation system differs from other system by allowing the user to operate the system from anywhere around the world through internet connection.
IoT Home Automation Circuit Diagram
From the circuit diagram it is very clear that we have used few components, LM1117-3.3V is used for providing power supply to the ESP-12 WiFi Module. ULN2003 provides relay driving.

PCB Layout of Home Automation

Download IOT Home Automation PCB Layout pdf
IoT Based Home Automation Code
/* * Copyright (c) 2015, circuits4you.com * All rights reserved. /* Create a WiFi access point and provide a web server on it. */ #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include "mainPage.h" const int Load1=16; const int Load2=14; const int Load3=12; const int Load4=13; /* Set these to your desired credentials. */ const char *ssid = "HomeServer"; const char *password = "homeautomation"; ESP8266WebServer server(80); String L1Status,L2Status,L3Status,L4Status,Temperature; //======================================================================= // handles main page //======================================================================= /* Just a little test message. Go to in a web browser * connected to this access point to see it. */ void handleRoot() { String s = MAIN_page; s.replace("@@L1@@", L1Status); s.replace("@@L2@@", L2Status); s.replace("@@L3@@", L3Status); s.replace("@@L4@@", L4Status); s.replace("@@TEMP@@", Temperature); server.send(200, "text/html", s); } //======================================================================= // Handle Set Date/Time Settings //======================================================================= void handleForm() { String t_state = server.arg("submit"); Temperature = String(analogRead(A0)/10); //Do calibration here //Change Load-1 State as per request if(t_state=="ON1") { L1Status="ON"; digitalWrite(Load1, HIGH); //Load1 Turned on } if(t_state=="OFF1") { L1Status="OFF"; digitalWrite(Load1, LOW); //Load1 Turned off } //Change Load-2 State as per request if(t_state=="ON2") { L2Status="ON"; digitalWrite(Load2, HIGH); //Load1 Turned on } if(t_state=="OFF2") { L2Status="OFF"; digitalWrite(Load2, LOW); //Load1 Turned off } //Change Load-3 State as per request if(t_state=="ON3") { L3Status="ON"; digitalWrite(Load3, HIGH); //Load1 Turned on } if(t_state=="OFF3") { L3Status="OFF"; digitalWrite(Load3, LOW); //Load1 Turned off } //Change Load-4 State as per request if(t_state=="ON4") { L4Status="ON"; digitalWrite(Load4, HIGH); //Load1 Turned on } if(t_state=="OFF4") { L4Status="OFF"; digitalWrite(Load4, LOW); //Load1 Turned off } server.sendHeader("Location", "/"); server.send(302, "text/plain", "Updated-- Press Back Button"); //This Line Keeps It on Same Page delay(500); } //======================================================================= // Power on setup //======================================================================= void setup() { delay(1000); /* You can remove the password parameter if you want the AP to be open. */ WiFi.softAP(ssid, password); IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP(); server.on("/", handleRoot); server.on("/form", handleForm); server.begin(); pinMode(Load1, OUTPUT); pinMode(Load2, OUTPUT); pinMode(Load3, OUTPUT); pinMode(Load4, OUTPUT); } //======================================================================= // Main Program Loop //======================================================================= void loop() { server.handleClient(); } //=======================================================================
const char MAIN_page[] PROGMEM = R"=====( <HTML> <TITLE> REMOTE LED ON/OFF CONTROL </TITLE> <BODY> <CENTER> <FORM method="post" action="/form"> <TABLE> <TR><TD colspan=2><B>IoT Based Home Automation System</B></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Temp: @@TEMP@@ C</TD><TD>Load Status</TD></TR> <TR><TD> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="ON1" name=submit> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="OFF1" name=submit> </TD> <TD>@@L1@@</TD></TR> <TR><TD> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="ON2" name=submit> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="OFF2" name=submit> </TD> <TD>@@L2@@</TD></TR> <TR><TD> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="ON3" name=submit> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="OFF3" name=submit> </TD> <TD>@@L3@@</TD></TR> <TR><TD> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="ON4" name=submit> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="OFF4" name=submit> </TD> <TD>@@L4@@</TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan=2><B><CENTER><A href = "https://circuits4you.com">www.circuits4you.com</a></CENTER></B></TD></TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> )=====";
IoT based Home Automation Circuit Testing
1. Turn on the circuit
2. Turn on WiFi on your mobile or Laptop
3. Enter Ip in browser
4. You will find this page and operate the relays
5. Connect Relay output to the electrical load

This is the simplest IOT Based Home Automation uses only ESP8266 Low cost iot module and relays.
Hello sir,
instead of making router as server,
can I make esp-01 as access point, connect my mobile phone to it and control the client from that.
waiting for your valuable reply
You can enable Both AP and STA mode. Just make sure you are using different names (just for identification same works) for AP, And your router. and another is don’t wait for connection in while loop.
This way you can have both
WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); //Both hotspot and client are enabled
WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);
//Optional if both are required
WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //Conects to WiFi router tries every 1 second
//NO While loop waiting for connection status
While compiling I am getting ‘const char MAIN_page [898]’ previously defined here.
Can anyone solve this
may i know how to program the esp 8266-01 module using usb to ttl converter.
What is that connection in PCB layout which is on 1000uf capacitor and connected with positive of capacitor C2?
What is J3 here and how to upload the code in ESP-12?
Please reply asap.
Hello dears , how can i increase the analog pins of my esp8266 ? or if there is any other types of esp which has a sufficient analog pins ?
Use external IC MCP3204 12-bit 4 channel I2C based ADC.
how much power consumtion is required for the power supply
Power sonsumption 300mAmps at 5V
guys can i get the video link for this circuit given above….
how to get IP Adress for your program?
Can anyone tell what is J3 in the circuit??
Please help me to know what is J3
Where is it? X3 is power input +5V or +12V
Make sure +12V overheat the LM1117
J3 is used for programming the ESP8266 using USB 2 Serial converter and Arduino IDE
Thanks for the project.
You have a small error in the code.
When you turn on the load set the high state,
even after switching off the load set the high state,
should be low.
Yes, Now its corrected
How the temprature sensor data is transferred to the website.
Which part of the program does that
Thanks for the project. Your circuit diagram and BOM is a little bit hard to follow though –
1) what is RD1?
2) I assume IC1 is your LM1117?
Thanks Joe for pointing the issue, Now you can get pdf file for PCB Development and Large circuit diagram when you click it
RD1 is 1N4007 Diode for reverse polarity protection, IC1 is LM1117-3.3 that’s correct
One more thing use LM7805 in series with LM1117, giving directly 12V to LM1117-3.3 will cause over heating issue.
Hi every one. I have 5 of esp8266 module 3 in esp8266-01 and 2 in nodemcu 8266 I tried different way to run it but i don’t know why I couldn’t do it. I use different suggestions to run but I could not. really I heat this device and the factory witch made such a module. as I see this is not only my problem and many more people have problem such me. so who can help me solve I don’t know by now you may can I will appreciate you if you do so.
thanks and best regards
I have used three ESP-12 and two ESP-01, all worked fine, only thing is to take care of few configuration pins, It works on 3.3V use LM1117-3.3 arduino power supply will not give sufficient current, See getting started tutorial