Tag Archives: NodeMCU

Upload image (PNG, JPEG) to ESP8266 Web Page and Display it

ESP8266 NodeMCU can be used as Web server with html webpage. Many times you may want to add images in web page. This can be achieved with help of SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System) or use of dataURL for small size images. Lets see step by step to upload image in web page.

There are two ways to display image in web page.

Continue reading Upload image (PNG, JPEG) to ESP8266 Web Page and Display it

Example of ESP8266 Flash File System (SPIFFS)

This tutorial explains in depth ESP8266 Flash File System Called as (SPIFFS). There are two ways to store data on ESP8266 one is using internal EEPROM which is of 512 Bytes but you can write data 1 millions of times (no file system). and Second is use of SPI Flash (64kBytes to 3Mbyte), when you see ESP-01 a small 8-Pin Chip is present near to the ESP8266 which is FLASH memory connected to ESP through SPI. In this flash memory ESP stores the program. Along with program you can store your files on it. Limitation of this memory is it has only 10000 (ten thousand) write cycles.

Even though file system is stored on the same flash chip as the program, programming new sketch will not modify file system contents. This allows to use file system to store sketch data, configuration files, or content for Web server. Continue reading Example of ESP8266 Flash File System (SPIFFS)

How to get MAC and IP address of devices connected to ESP8266 ?

This post explains getting MAC address and IP address of devices connected to ESP8266. Typically, the MAC address is only visible on each end of a “hop” in a packet so if you are going from some device via WiFi through the router to some other device, the MAC address you would see would be from your device and the router. The router will typically have a table of IP addresses and associated MAC addresses for those devices that it has handed out an IP address to via DHCP. Continue reading How to get MAC and IP address of devices connected to ESP8266 ?

ESP8266 NodeMCU WiFi Network Scanner

ESP8266 NodeMCU Wi-Fi Scanner allows you to easily locate visible wireless networks and its corresponding information. This program obtains the network name (SSID), signal strength (RSSI) and MAC Address, security.

Wi-Fi Scanner is useful for normal access point users who need to find out the signal strength distribution for their wireless network at home, or choose a position for their access point for optimal signal quality.

Using Wi-Fi Scanner, you can evaluate the allocation of wireless networks by channel and select the least congested bandwidth for their access point, allowing them to increase their connection speed significantly. Continue reading ESP8266 NodeMCU WiFi Network Scanner