Tag Archives: Internet of Things

ESP8266 Serial Communication

Serial interface is common requirement for most of the application development. We are discussing on how to do 3.3V to 5V level conversion for converting serial TTL to RS232 level from 3.3V you can use MAX3232 it operates at 3.3V levels.

On ESP8266 we have one hardware serial i.e. GPIO2 (Tx) and GPIO3 (Rx).

Hardware Serial Programming is similar to the Arduino Serial. Remember that few USB to Serial converter does not support higher baud rate. It is better to keep baud rate below 115200. Continue reading ESP8266 Serial Communication

ESP8266 Software Serial Communication

Software serial uses timer, be careful when you are using software serial. Timer is also used for WiFi communication section if you don’t give enough time to WiFi routines it will create problem of stack error or misbehavior. It is better to use software serial only when you need two serial ports and also avoid use of software serial for data reception.

Software serial can be implemented on any GPIO pin of ESP8266. Continue reading ESP8266 Software Serial Communication

ESP8266 LED Blink

In this tutorial we will show how to program ESP8266 directly using Arduino IDE fro LED Blinking. That’s how we will get Arduino simplicity and power of ESP8266. In this case we do not need Arduino, just ESP8266 module (Node MCU).

This is our first program for ESP8266 Getting Started series. Assuming that you have prepared hardware as per Figure (Complete Hardware setup for ESP8266) or you can use node MCU, ESP witty.

In this program we will blink on board LED i.e. present on GPIO2 (TX) pin. Continue reading ESP8266 LED Blink

Getting strted with IoT ESP8266

ESP8266 is most popular IoT module, it performs almost all the need of IoT functions in small size with powerful processor and huge program memory of 512Kbytes and RAM of 80 Kbytes.

This tutorial gives some information on how to get started using a ESP8266-based board. It is intended for the newbie with past experience in arduino-like mcu who wants to get a first hand at ESP8266.

In this tutorial we start with minimum hardware required and software setup.

Continue reading Getting strted with IoT ESP8266

ESP8266 reading ADC data

The ESP8266 has in built single channel ADC that can measure between 0V and 1V with 10 bit resolution. To read higher voltages you need external voltage divider. ADC is available on ESP12.

Voltage Divider

Resistor voltage dividers are commonly used to create reference voltages, or to reduce the magnitude of a voltage so it can be measured. Continue reading ESP8266 reading ADC data