Tag Archives: code

Four Digit 7-Segment Display Interfacing with Arduino

7-segment displays are most popular in panel meters, It can show direct numerical value on display, It’s cost is low and display size bigger than LCD’s. Lets interface four digit display, most of the time four digits are enough to display data.

Problem Statement

We are making a Voltmeter using four digit 7-segment display, for this IC 74HC595 shift register is used instead of 7448 decoder, use of shift register gives few advantages such as you can display sign, few alphabets and control decimal point location. Continue reading Four Digit 7-Segment Display Interfacing with Arduino

Digital Code Lock using Arduino

Digital code lock systems are most common on security systems. An electronic lock or digital lock is a device which has an electronic control assembly attached to it. They are provided with an access control system. This system allows the user to unlock the device with a password. The password is entered by making use of a keypad. The user can also set his password to ensure better protection. The major components include a keypad, LCD and the controller Arduino. This article describes the making of an electronic code lock using arduino. Continue reading Digital Code Lock using Arduino

16×2 LCD Display interface with Arduino


In this tutorial we will learn How to interface 16×2 LCD display using Arduino UNO. LCD displays available in various sizes 8×1, 16×1, 16×2, 16×4, 20 Char x 4 Lines. These all displays can be interfaced using this tutorial. We are more focusing on 16×2 LCD. It is commonly used.

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Arduino 4-20mAmp Current Loop Measurement

For industrial process control instruments, analog 4–20mA current loops are commonly used for analog signaling, with 4mA representing the lowest end of the range and 20mA the highest. The key advantages of the current loop are that the accuracy of the signal is not affected by voltage drop in the interconnecting wiring, and that the loop can supply operating power to the device. Even if there is significant electrical resistance in the line, the current loop transmitter will maintain the proper current, up to its maximum voltage capability. Continue reading Arduino 4-20mAmp Current Loop Measurement

Knock Detection Sensor Arduino

Knock Detection

Here we use a Piezo element to detect sound, what will allow us to use it as a knock sensor. We are taking advantage of the processors capability to read analog signals through its ADC – analog to digital converter. These converters read a voltage value and transform it into a value encoded digitally. In the case of the Arduino boards, we transform the voltage into a value in the range 0..1024. 0 represents 0volts, while 1024 represents 5volts at the input of one of the six analog pins. Continue reading Knock Detection Sensor Arduino