Category Archives: ESP8266

ESP8266 or ESP32 I2C LCD display Interface

In IoT, LCD is rarely required, but some times its useful to monitor errors and connection related issues. In this tutorial we are interfacing I2C LCD with ESP8266 or ESP32. Both code examples are given.

We have very few IOs on ESP8266 and ESP32. I2C based display interface uses only two IO lines.

ESP8266 I2C LCD Interface
ESP8266 and ESP32 I2C LCD Interface

Continue reading ESP8266 or ESP32 I2C LCD display Interface

ESP8266 NodeMCU HTTPS Secured POST Request

In this example we learn how to send Secured POST request to a secured https web page using NodeMCU or ESP8266? As we know all web pages are HTTP protocols, GET and POST are methods of communicating between web browser and the server. Also you look towards server side php Example coding. If you are looking for HTTPS GET method read here.

Continue reading ESP8266 NodeMCU HTTPS Secured POST Request

ESP8266 DHT11 Humidity Temperature Data logger

In this tutorial we are interfacing DHT11 or DHT22 Humidity temperature sensor with ESP8266 NodeMCU. We are making complete Humidity and Temperature data logger with DHT11 and NodeMCU. Data logger web server with real time graphs and tables, mostly seen on thingspeak. But this time we are putting complete graphs and tables all inside NodeMCU without using thingspeak. For this we need graphs library that we are using from an open source Chart drawing library and Knowledge of alax, html and javascript.

Node MCU data logger Continue reading ESP8266 DHT11 Humidity Temperature Data logger