In this tutorial we are going to make really really cool thing with NodeMCU ESP8266. That is data logger web server with real time graphs and tables, mostly seen on thingspeak. But this time we are putting complete graphs and tables all inside NodeMCU without using thingspeak. For this we need graphs library that we are using from an open source Chart drawing library and Knowledge of alax, html and javascipt. Continue reading ESP8266 data logging with real time graphs
All posts by Manoj R. Thakur
NodeMCU: ESP8266 Arduino JSON parsing example
In this tutorial we learn How to encode and decode json on NodeMCU using Arduino IDE? we will be using the ArduinoJson library for the ESP8266 to help us parse JSON data and extract values based on keys. The ArduinoJson library is also capable of serializing JSON, meaning you could generate your own JSON data using data from sensors connected to your ESP8266 or Arduino.
Continue reading NodeMCU: ESP8266 Arduino JSON parsing example
ESP8266 NodeMCU HTTPS Secured GET Request
In this example we learn how to send Secured GET request to a secured https web page using NodeMCU or ESP8266? As we know all web pages are HTTP protocols, GET and POST are methods of communicating between web browser and the server. Also you look towards server side php Example coding. If you are looking for POST method read here.
NodeMCU ESP8266 MQTT LED on off Example
In this tutorial we will see how to turn on and off LED over the internet using MQTT protocol using NodeMCU ESP8266? You can get much more information on ESP8266 Protocols in my latest book NodeMCU Protocols and Communication methods.
ESP32 OLED Library Display Example
This tutorial demonstrate how to use 0.96″ small I2C based Display with ESP32 DevKit using only two IO lines. Interfacing of large 16×2 LCD is difficult with ESP32, as it requires 6 IO Lines. This is shown in this post How to Interface 16×2 LCD with NodeMCU ESP8266 with only three wires?
Components Required
- OLED Display 0.96″ Four Wire I2C Type Display
- DevKit ESP32
- Connecting Wires
- USB Cable and Laptop