All posts by Manoj R. Thakur

About Manoj R. Thakur

In 2014 I started contributing to Open Source electronics, and life has just gotten better from there. Founder of Maven Technologies.

Arduino : How to put quotation marks in a string ?

In Arduino programming many times you will come with situations where you want to put double quotes in a string. For example sending AT command with double quotes. There many different methods let’s discuss one by one.

How do I put quotes in a string?


Serial.println(“AT+CPMS=”SM””);  // This results in error

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ESP8266 AT Commands Set

This tutorial provides AT commands based on ESP8266_NONOS_SDK and explain how to use them. AT command set is divided into: Basic AT commands, Wi-Fi AT commands, and TCP/IP AT commands.

ESP8266 is a powerful controller with 4Mbytes of Flash and 84Kbytes of RAM. Then why you should use it as just Serial to WiFi module. I recommend use ESP with direct flashing i.e. without using AT commands.

You can Download Complete AT command set for ESP8266 NodeMCU here.

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ESP8266 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Espressif’s ESP8266 delivers highly integrated Wi-Fi SoC solution to meet user’s continuous demands for efficient power usage, compact design and reliable performance
in the Internet of Things industry.
With the complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking capabilities, ESP8266EX can perform either as a standalone application or as the slave to a host MCU. When ESP8266EX hosts the application, it promptly boots up from the flash. The integrated high-speed cache helps to increase the system performance and optimize the system memory. Also, ESP8266EX can be applied to any microcontroller design as a Wi-Fi adaptor through SPI/SDIO or UART interfaces.
nodemcu specifications

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ESP8266 Debugging Exceptions

ESP8266 the core includes a Debugging feature that is controllable over the IDE menu. The new menu points manage the real-time Debug messages. It is very useful to sort out watchdog trigger and exception errors. For debugging you can use Serial or Serial 1 and also you can choose the debug level such as WIFI, Core, OTA etc.

Many times you stuck at WDT reset and Stack Exception errors, this is most rarely used tool, many people don’t know it exists. Let’s get know to it, Its very powerful tool comes with NodeMCU or ESP8266.

NodeMCU Exception Debugging

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