e-Book Arduino Beginners Guide
A perfect guide for beginner, This book is a result of analysis done on 100 beginners during arduino workshop taken in MIT collage. It not only covers the basics, It is full step by step guide covering commonly faced problems and devices used. It takes you towards final full electronic system design using arduino.
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Kindle Edition
Ch. No. | Title | Page No |
1 | Introduction | 6 |
1.1 What is Arduino? | 6 | |
1.2 Why Arduino? | 8 | |
1.3 Types of Arduino Boards | 10 | |
1.4 The Extended Components | 14 | |
1.5 Summary | 16 | |
2 | Software and Hardware Setup | 17 |
2.1 Board Selection | 17 | |
2.2 Download and Installation of Arduino IDE | 20 | |
2.3 Summary | 26 | |
3 | Hands on Arduino IDE and Board | 27 |
3.1 Arduino IDE Overview | 27 | |
3.2 Arduino UNO Board Overview | 28 | |
3.3 Connecting Board to Laptop and Uploading a Sample program | 31 | |
3.4 Summary | 40 | |
4 | Program Structure and Functions | 41 |
4.1 Program Breakup | 41 | |
4.2 Introduction to Commonly used functions | 45 | |
4.3 Summary | 55 | |
5 | Playing with digital Input and Outputs | 56 |
5.1 Connecting External LED to arduino | 56 | |
5.2 Connecting External Button to Arduino | 60 | |
5.3 Connecting External Active Piezo Buzzer Module | 63 | |
5.4 Solving Compilation Errors | 64 | |
5.5 Summary | 68 | |
6 | Simple Application Design Examples | 69 |
6.1 Rolling LED’s | 69 | |
6.2 On off control using Buttons | 74 | |
6.2 Antitheft Alarms for bike. | 79 | |
6.3 Motion Detectors | 81 | |
6.4 Summary | 85 | |
7 | Serial Communication | 86 |
7.1 Serial Initialization | 86 | |
7.2 Sending data over Serial | 87 | |
7.3 Serial Read | 92 | |
7.4 Summary | 97 | |
8 | Analog Input, Output | 98 |
8.1 Analog Read (POT) | 98 | |
8.2 Analog Write PWM | 100 | |
8.3 Servo motor control using pot | 107 | |
8.4 Summary | 109 | |
9 | Advance Device Interfacing | 110 |
9.1 LCD Interfacing with Arduino | 110 | |
9.2 Voltage Divider | 115 | |
9.3 LDR (Light Dependent Resistance) | 117 | |
9.4 LM35 Temperature Sensor | 120 | |
9.5 Voltage Measurement | 123 | |
9.6 Relay interfacing | 126 | |
9.7 DC motor interfacing using L293D | 130 | |
9.8 Summary | 134 | |
10 | Arduino Application Design Process | 135 |
10.1 Defining System | 135 | |
10.2 Interconnection of System components | 136 | |
10.3 Summary | 140 |